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Jochen Heckmann

Let's dance and let's read, these are two pleasures that can never do any harm.
– Voltaire

choreographer | dancer | instructor | author

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the new book
tanzen fallen fliegen

Novel / Querverlag Berlin /

pre-order and available mid September 2024

at bookstores


dance and choreography

Dance has the uniquely beautiful potential to playfully overcome the boundaries between imagination and expression, between inside and outside, between stillness and movement, emptiness and fullness, asceticism and sensuality.

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When I write, I immerse myself in another cosmos. It arises before my eyes, inside me, and makes my senses extend out like antennae in search of people, places, times and their stories. And at some point the words come. Word after word. Like a chain reaction. Sometimes like a waterfall. With the desire for others to be carried away.
